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Wednesday 7 July 2021

Top 5 future technologies | Top future technology | Top trending technologies

 Hello friends, the 21st century is the century of technological change. Technologies are growing rapidly. In this article we have discuss about 5 technologies that are very rapidly growing in the world. There are many technologies that are growing rapidly and in this article we have discuss top 5 technologies of them, so let's get start.

Top 5 trending technologies

Top 5 future technologies 

1. AI(Artificial intelligence) 

2. Human Augmentation 

3. Extended Reality

4. IoT(Internet of Things) 

5. Quantum computing

1. Artificial Intelligence

AI is the short form of artificial intelligence. AI is the technology that is develop by humans that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

John McCarthy was a person who first used the word AI in 1995. He was an American computer scientist. He was also known as the father of AI(Artificial intelligence).

Machine learning is a part of AI, using machine learning create a programs that can solve problems itself and improve his ability to work independently.

In today AI was used in most of the fields like machines, computers, mobiles, hospitals, companies etc. 

Some of the examples of AI in everyday life 

  • Google maps
  • Google assistance, Alexa, siri
  • Smart cars, drones etc.

2. Human Augmentation 

Human Augmentation is a field of research that aims to enhance human abilities throughout madicine or technology. 

The field of human Augmentation focuses on creating cognitive and physical improvements as an integral part of the human body. In simple Word human Augmentation is a technology that is used in medical field to enhance capabilities of humans.

In simple Word human Augmentation is "technology that enhance human productivity or capabilities or that somehow add to the human body.

Human Augmentation can be divided into three main categories with different functions :

  • Replicating human ability 
  • Supplementing human ability 
  • Exceeding human ability

3. Extended Reality 

Extended reality combines AR(Augmented reality), VR(Virtual reality), and MR(Mixed reality).
Extended reality is the umbrella term that covers VR, AR, MR and everything in between. XR(extended reality) is the future of mobile computing.

4. IoT(Internet of Things)

In simple words Internet of Things reffers to the rapidly growing network of connected devices that are able to collect and exchange data with each other using embedded sensors. IoT is most in demand now days.

5. Quantum computing

Quantum computing is an area of computing, which focused on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory.
Quantum computers use the properties of quantum physics to store data and perform computation. Quantum computers are able to solve specific complex problems more efficiently than on classical computers. 

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